Source code for autrainer.models.leaf

from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union
import warnings

import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

from .abstract_model import AbstractModel
from .timm_wrapper import TimmModel

with warnings.catch_warnings():
    warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=FutureWarning)
    from speechbrain.lobes.features import Leaf as LeafSb

[docs] class LEAFNet(AbstractModel): def __init__( self, output_dim: int, leaf_filters: int = 40, kernel_size: int = 25, stride: float = 0.0625, window_stride: int = 10, padding_kernel_size: int = 25, sample_rate: int = 16000, min_freq: int = 60, max_freq: int = 7800, efficientnet_type: str = "efficientnet_b0", mode: str = "interspeech", initialization: str = "mel", generator_seed: int = 42, transfer: bool = False, ) -> None: """EfficientNet with LEAF-Is frontend. Used to reproduce work from: Also see original LEAF and PCEN papers (c.f. speechbrain). We take and slightly adapt the LEAF frontend implementation from: Args: output_dim: Output dimension. leaf_filters: Number of LEAF filterbanks to train. Defaults to 40. kernel_size: Size of kernels applied by LEAF (in ms). Defaults to 25. stride: Stride of LEAF (in ms). Defaults to 0.0625. window_stride: Stride of lowpass filter (in ms). Defaults to 10. padding_kernel_size: Size of lowpass filter (in ms). Defaults to 25. sample_rate: Used to compute LEAF params. Defaults to 16000. min_freq: Minimum freq analyzed by LEAF. Defaults to 60. max_freq: Maximum freq analyzed by LEAF. Defaults to 7800. efficientnet_type: EfficientNet type to use from timm. Defaults to "efficientnet_b0". mode: Implementation according to "interspeech" paper (Meng et al.) or "speech_brain". Defaults to "interspeech". initialization: Filterbank initialisation in ["mel", "bark", "linear-constant", "constant", "uniform", "zeros"]. Defaults to "mel". generator_seed: Seed for random generator. Defaults to 42. transfer: Whether to use EfficientNet weights from ImageNet. Defaults to False. Raises: ValueError: If efficientnet_type is not supported. ValueError: If mode is not supported. """ super().__init__(output_dim) # convert LEAF params from ms to samples self.mode = mode self.initialization = initialization self.leaf_filters = leaf_filters self.min_freq = min_freq self.max_freq = max_freq self.sample_rate = sample_rate self.generator_seed = generator_seed self.kernel_size = kernel_size self.stride = stride self.window_stride = window_stride self.padding_kernel_size = padding_kernel_size self.efficientnet_type = efficientnet_type self.transfer = transfer kernel_size_sample = int(sample_rate * kernel_size / 1000) kernel_size_sample += 1 - (kernel_size % 2) # make odd # convert pooling params from ms to samples if mode == "interspeech": self.leaf = LeafIs( n_filters=leaf_filters, min_freq=min_freq, max_freq=max_freq, sample_rate=sample_rate, window_len=padding_kernel_size, window_stride=window_stride, ) elif mode == "speech_brain": self.leaf = LeafSb( out_channels=leaf_filters, in_channels=1, sample_rate=sample_rate, min_freq=min_freq, use_pcen=True, learnable_pcen=True, use_legacy_complex=True, skip_transpose=True, ) else: raise ValueError( "Only options 'interspeech' and 'speech_brain' are available" f" for mode, but got mode='{mode}'." ) self._initialise_filterbank() if not self.efficientnet_type.startswith("efficientnet_"): raise ValueError( "Only EfficientNet models are supported, but got" f" efficientnet_type='{efficientnet_type}'." ) self.classifier = TimmModel( output_dim=self.output_dim, timm_name=self.efficientnet_type, transfer=self.transfer, in_chans=1, ) def embeddings(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: return self.leaf(x) def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor): x = self.leaf(x) x = x.unsqueeze(1) x = self.classifier(x) return x def _initialise_filterbank(self) -> None: if self.initialization == "mel": return elif self.initialization == "linear-constant": center_frequencies = torch.linspace( self.min_freq, self.max_freq, self.leaf_filters ) bandwidths = torch.ones((self.leaf_filters,)) * np.exp( (np.log(self.max_freq) - np.log(self.min_freq)) / 2.5 + np.log(self.min_freq) ) elif self.initialization == "zeros": center_frequencies = torch.zeros((self.leaf_filters,)) bandwidths = torch.ones((self.leaf_filters,)) * np.exp( np.log(self.max_freq - self.min_freq) / 2 ) elif self.initialization == "constant": center_frequencies = torch.ones((self.leaf_filters,)) * np.exp( (np.log(self.max_freq) - np.log(self.min_freq)) / 2 + np.log(self.min_freq) ) bandwidths = torch.ones((self.leaf_filters,)) * np.exp( (np.log(self.max_freq) - np.log(self.min_freq)) / 2.5 + np.log(self.min_freq) ) elif self.initialization == "uniform": generator = torch.Generator() generator.manual_seed(self.generator_seed) center_frequencies = ( torch.rand((self.leaf_filters,), generator=generator) * (self.max_freq - self.min_freq) + self.min_freq ) center_frequencies = torch.sort(center_frequencies).values # Estimation bandwidths = ( torch.rand((self.leaf_filters,), generator=generator) * (self.max_freq - self.min_freq) / 10 + self.min_freq ) elif self.initialization == "bark": center_frequencies, bandwidths = bark_scale_filterbank( self.min_freq, self.max_freq, self.leaf_filters ) else: raise ValueError( "Only options 'mel', 'linear-constant', 'constant', 'uniform', " f"'bark', and 'zeros' are available for initialization " f", but got initialization='{self.initialization}'." ) # adjustment for sample_rate center_frequencies *= 2 * np.pi / self.sample_rate # bandwiths to sigmas bandwidths = (self.sample_rate / 2.0) / bandwidths if self.mode == "interspeech": center_freqs_param = "filterbank.center_freqs" bandwith_param = "filterbank.bandwidths" self.leaf.state_dict()[center_freqs_param].copy_( center_frequencies ) self.leaf.state_dict()[bandwith_param].copy_(bandwidths) elif self.mode == "speech_brain": filterbank_param = "complex_conv.kernel" self.leaf.state_dict()[filterbank_param][:, 0].copy_( center_frequencies ) self.leaf.state_dict()[filterbank_param][:, 1].copy_(bandwidths)
def hz_to_bark( f: Union[int, float, np.ndarray], ) -> Union[int, float, np.ndarray]: """Convert frequency from Hz to Bark scale according to Traunmüller. Args: f: Frequency in Hz. Returns: Frequency in Bark. """ b = 26.81 * f / (1960 + f) - 0.53 return b def bark_to_hz( b: Union[int, float, np.ndarray], ) -> Union[int, float, np.ndarray]: """Approximate conversion from Bark to Hz (inverse of the above). Ajdusted centers for reconversion according to Traunmüller. Args: b: Frequency in Bark. Returns: Frequency in Hz. """ z_1 = b[b < 2] + 0.15 * (2 - b[b < 2]) z_2 = b[b >= 2] z_2 = z_2[z_2 <= 20.1] z_3 = b[b > 20.1] + 0.22 * (b[b > 20.1] - 20.1) z = np.hstack((z_1, z_2, z_3)) f = 1960 * (z + 0.53) / (26.28 - z) return f # 600 * np.sinh(z / 6) def bark_scale_filterbank( min_freq: Union[int, float], max_freq: Union[int, float], num_bands: int, ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """Calculate center frequencies and bandwidths for a Bark scale filterbank. Args: min_freq: Minimum frequency in Hz. max_freq: Maximum frequency in Hz. num_bands: Number of bands. Returns: Tuple of center frequencies and bandwidths. """ # Convert min and max frequencies to Bark scale min_bark = hz_to_bark(min_freq) max_bark = hz_to_bark(max_freq) # Evenly distribute bands in Bark scale bark_centers = np.linspace( min_bark, max_bark + (max_bark - min_bark) / num_bands, num_bands + 1 ) # Convert center frequencies back to Hz center_freqs = bark_to_hz(bark_centers) bandwidths = np.diff(center_freqs) return torch.Tensor(center_freqs[:-1]), torch.Tensor(bandwidths) def mel_filter_params( n_filters: int, min_freq: float, max_freq: float, sample_rate: int, ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """Analytically calculate the center frequencies and sigmas of a mel filter bank. Args: n_filters: Number of filters for the filterbank. min_freq: Minimum cutoff for the frequencies. max_freq: Maximum cutoff for the frequencies. sample_rate: Sample rate to use for the calculation. Returns: Center frequencies and sigmas. """ min_mel = 1127 * np.log1p(min_freq / 700.0) max_mel = 1127 * np.log1p(max_freq / 700.0) peaks_mel = torch.linspace(min_mel, max_mel, n_filters + 2) peaks_hz = 700 * (torch.expm1(peaks_mel / 1127)) center_freqs = peaks_hz[1:-1] * (2 * np.pi / sample_rate) bandwidths = peaks_hz[2:] - peaks_hz[:-2] sigmas = (sample_rate / 2.0) / bandwidths return center_freqs, sigmas def gabor_filters( size: int, center_freqs: torch.Tensor, sigmas: torch.Tensor ) -> torch.Tensor: """Calculate a gabor function from given center frequencies and bandwidths that can be used as kernel/filters for an 1D convolution. Args: size: Kernel/filter size. center_freqs: Center frequencies. sigmas: Bandwidths. Returns: Kernel/filter that can be used for an 1D convolution. """ t = torch.arange(-(size // 2), (size + 1) // 2, device=center_freqs.device) denominator = 1.0 / (np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * sigmas) gaussian = torch.exp(torch.outer(1.0 / (2.0 * sigmas**2), -(t**2))) sinusoid = torch.exp(1j * torch.outer(center_freqs, t)) return denominator[:, np.newaxis] * sinusoid * gaussian def gauss_windows(size: int, sigmas: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Calculate a gaussian lowpass function from given bandwidths that can be used as kernel/filter for an 1D convolution. Args: size: Kernel/filter size. sigmas: Bandwidths. Returns: Kernel/filter that can be used for an 1D convolution. """ t = torch.arange(0, size, device=sigmas.device) numerator = t * (2 / (size - 1)) - 1 return torch.exp(-0.5 * (numerator / sigmas[:, np.newaxis]) ** 2) class GaborFilterbank(nn.Module): def __init__( self, n_filters: int, min_freq: float, max_freq: float, sample_rate: int, filter_size: int, pool_size: int, pool_stride: int, pool_init: float = 0.4, ) -> None: """Torch module that functions as a gabor filterbank. Initializes n_filters center frequencies and bandwidths that are based on a mel filterbank. The parameters are used to calculate Gabor filters for a 1D convolution over the input signal. The squared modulus is taken from the results. To reduce the temporal resolution a gaussian lowpass filter is calculated from pooling_widths, which are used to perform a pooling operation. The center frequencies, bandwidths and pooling_widths are learnable parameters. Args: n_filters: Number of filters. min_freq: Minimum frequency for the mel filterbank initialization. max_freq: Maximum frequency for the mel filterbank initialization. sample_rate: Sample rate for the mel filterbank initialization. filter_size: Size of the kernels/filters for gabor convolution. pool_size: Size of the kernels/filters for pooling convolution. pool_stride: Stride of the pooling convolution. pool_init: Initial value for the gaussian lowpass function. Defaults to 0.4. """ super(GaborFilterbank, self).__init__() self.n_filters = n_filters self.filter_size = filter_size self.pool_size = pool_size self.pool_stride = pool_stride center_freqs, bandwidths = mel_filter_params( n_filters, min_freq, max_freq, sample_rate ) self.center_freqs = nn.Parameter(center_freqs) self.bandwidths = nn.Parameter(bandwidths) self.pooling_widths = nn.Parameter( torch.full((n_filters,), float(pool_init)) ) def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: # compute filters center_freqs = self.center_freqs.clamp(min=0.0, max=np.pi) z = np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2)) / np.pi bandwidths = self.bandwidths.clamp(min=4 * z, max=self.filter_size * z) filters = gabor_filters(self.filter_size, center_freqs, bandwidths) filters =, filters.imag), dim=0).unsqueeze(1) # convolve with filters x = F.conv1d(x, filters, padding=self.filter_size // 2) # compute squared modulus x = x**2 x = x[:, : self.n_filters] + x[:, self.n_filters :] # compute pooling windows pooling_widths = self.pooling_widths.clamp( min=2.0 / self.pool_size, max=0.5 ) windows = gauss_windows(self.pool_size, pooling_widths).unsqueeze(1) # apply temporal pooling x = F.conv1d( x, windows, stride=self.pool_stride, padding=self.filter_size // 2, groups=self.n_filters, ) return x class PCEN(nn.Module): def __init__( self, num_bands: int, s: float = 0.025, alpha: float = 1.0, delta: float = 1.0, r: float = 1.0, eps: float = 1e-6, learn_logs: bool = False, clamp: Optional[float] = None, ) -> None: """Trainable PCEN (Per-Channel Energy Normalization) layer. .. math:: Y = (\\frac{X}{(\\epsilon + M)^\\alpha} + \\delta)^r - \\delta^r M_t = (1 - s) M_{t - 1} + s X_t Args: num_bands: Number of frequency bands (before last input dimension). s: Initial value for :math:`s`. alpha: Initial value for :math:`alpha` delta: Initial value for :math:`delta` r: Initial value for :math:`r` eps: Value for :math:`eps` learn_logs: If false-ish, instead of learning the logarithm of each parameter (as in the PCEN paper), learn the inverse of :math:`r` and all other parameters directly (as in the LEAF paper). clamp: If given, clamps the input to the given minimum value before applying PCEN. """ super(PCEN, self).__init__() if learn_logs: # learns logarithm of each parameter s = np.log(s) alpha = np.log(alpha) delta = np.log(delta) r = np.log(r) else: # learns inverse of r, and all other parameters directly r = 1.0 / r self.learn_logs = learn_logs self.s = nn.Parameter(torch.full((num_bands,), float(s))) self.alpha = nn.Parameter(torch.full((num_bands,), float(alpha))) = nn.Parameter(torch.full((num_bands,), float(delta))) self.r = nn.Parameter(torch.full((num_bands,), float(r))) self.eps = torch.as_tensor(eps) self.clamp = clamp def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: # clamp if needed if self.clamp is not None: x = x.clamp(min=self.clamp) # prepare parameters if self.learn_logs: # learns logarithm of each parameter s = self.s.exp() alpha = self.alpha.exp() delta = r = self.r.exp() else: # learns inverse of r, and all other parameters directly s = self.s alpha = self.alpha.clamp(max=1) delta = # unclamped in original LEAF impl. r = 1.0 / self.r.clamp(min=1) # broadcast over channel dimension alpha = alpha[:, np.newaxis] delta = delta[:, np.newaxis] r = r[:, np.newaxis] # compute smoother smoother = [x[..., 0]] # initialize the smoother with the first frame for frame in range(1, x.shape[-1]): smoother.append((1 - s) * smoother[-1] + s * x[..., frame]) smoother = torch.stack(smoother, -1) # stable reformulation due to Vincent Lostanlen; original formula was: # return (input / (self.eps + smoother)**alpha + delta)**r - delta**r smoother = torch.exp( -alpha * (torch.log(self.eps) + torch.log1p(smoother / self.eps)) ) return (x * smoother + delta) ** r - delta**r class LeafIs(nn.Module): def __init__( self, n_filters: int = 40, min_freq: float = 60.0, max_freq: float = 7800.0, sample_rate: int = 16000, window_len: float = 25.0, window_stride: float = 10.0, compression: Optional[torch.nn.Module] = None, ) -> None: """LEAF frontend, a learnable front-end that takes an audio waveform as input and outputs a learnable spectral representation. Initially approximates the computation of standard mel-filterbanks. Args: n_filters: Number of filters. Defaults to 40. min_freq: Minimum frequency. Defaults to 60.0. max_freq: Maximum frequency. Defaults to 7800.0. sample_rate: Sample Rate for filterbanc initialization. Defaults to 16000. window_len: Kernel/filter size of the convolutions in ms. Defaults to 25.0. window_stride: Stride used for the pooling convolution in ms. Defaults to 10.0. compression: Compression function. If None, PCEN is used. Defaults to None. """ super(LeafIs, self).__init__() # convert window sizes from milliseconds to samples window_size = int(sample_rate * window_len / 1000) window_size += 1 - (window_size % 2) # make odd window_stride = int(sample_rate * window_stride / 1000) self.filterbank = GaborFilterbank( n_filters, min_freq, max_freq, sample_rate, filter_size=window_size, pool_size=window_size, pool_stride=window_stride, ) self.compression = ( compression if compression else PCEN( n_filters, s=0.04, alpha=0.96, delta=2, r=0.5, eps=1e-12, learn_logs=False, clamp=1e-5, ) ) def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: while x.ndim < 3: x = x[:, np.newaxis] x = self.filterbank(x) x = self.compression(x) return x