
The following quickstart guide provides a short introduction to autrainer and the creation of simple training experiments.

First Experiment#

To get started, create a new directory and navigate to it:

mkdir autrainer_example && cd autrainer_example

Next, create a new empty autrainer project using the following configuration management CLI command:

autrainer create --empty

Alternatively, use the following configuration management CLI wrapper function:

import autrainer.cli # the import is omitted in the following examples for brevity


This will create the configuration directory structure and the main configuration (conf/config.yaml) file with default values:

 2  - _autrainer_
 3  - _self_
 5results_dir: results
 6experiment_id: default
 7iterations: 5
10  sweeper:
11    params:
12      +seed: 1
13      +batch_size: 32
14      +learning_rate: 0.001
15      dataset: ToyTabular-C
16      model: ToyFFNN
17      optimizer: Adam

Now, run the following training command to train the model:

autrainer train

Alternatively, use the following training CLI wrapper function:

autrainer.cli.train() # the train function is omitted in the following examples for brevity

This will train the default ToyFFNN feed-forward neural network (FFNN) on the default ToyTabular-C classification dataset with tabular data (ToyDataset) and output the training results to the results/default/ directory.

Custom Model Configuration#

The first experiment uses the default ToyFFNN model with the following configuration having 2 hidden layers:

1id: ToyFFNN
2_target_: autrainer.models.FFNN
3input_size: 64
4hidden_size: 64
5num_layers: 2
8  type: tabular

To create another configuration for the FFNN model with 3 hidden layers, create a new configuration file in the conf/model/ directory:

1id: Three-Layer-FFNN
2_target_: autrainer.models.FFNN
3input_size: 64
4hidden_size: 64
5num_layers: 3 # 3 hidden layers
8  type: tabular

Next, update the main configuration (conf/config.yaml) file to use the new model configuration:

 2  - _autrainer_
 3  - _self_
 5results_dir: results
 6experiment_id: default
 7iterations: 5
10  sweeper:
11    params:
12      +seed: 1
13      +batch_size: 32
14      +learning_rate: 0.001
15      dataset: ToyTabular-C
16      model: Three-Layer-FFNN # 3 hidden layers
17      optimizer: Adam

Now, run the following training command to train the model with 3 hidden layers:

autrainer train

Grid Search Configuration#

To perform a grid search over multiple multiple configurations defined in the params, update the main configuration (conf/config.yaml) to include multiple values separated by a comma.

The following configuration performs a grid search over the default FFNN model with 2 and 3 hidden layers as well as 3 different seeds:

 2  - _autrainer_
 3  - _self_
 5results_dir: results
 6experiment_id: default
 7iterations: 5
10  sweeper:
11    params:
12      +seed: 1, 2, 3 # 3 seeds to compare
13      +batch_size: 32
14      +learning_rate: 0.001
15      dataset: ToyTabular-C
16      model: ToyFFNN, Three-Layer-FFNN # 2 models to compare
17      optimizer: Adam

Now, run the following training command to train the models with 2 and 3 hidden layers and 3 different seeds:

autrainer train

By default, a grid search is performed sequentially. Hydra allows the use of different launcher plugins to perform parallel grid searches.


If a run already exists in the same experiment and has been completed successfully, then it will be skipped. This may be the case for both the default and custom model configurations with seed 1 if they have already been trained in the previous examples.

To compare the results of the individual runs as well as averaged across seeds, run the following postprocessing command:

autrainer postprocess results default --aggregate seed

Alternatively, use the following postprocessing CLI wrapper function:


Spectrogram Classification#

To train a Cnn10 model on an audio dataset such as DCASE2016Task1, update the main configuration (conf/config.yaml) file:

 2  - _autrainer_
 3  - _self_
 5results_dir: results
 6experiment_id: spectrogram
 7iterations: 5
10  sweeper:
11    params:
12      +seed: 1
13      +batch_size: 32
14      +learning_rate: 0.001
15      dataset: DCASE2016Task1-32k
16      model: Cnn10-32k-T
17      optimizer: Adam

For the Cnn10 model, the following configuration is used:

1id: Cnn10-32k-T
2_target_: autrainer.models.Cnn10
3transfer: https://zenodo.org/records/3987831/files/Cnn10_mAP%3D0.380.pth
6  type: grayscale
7  base:
8    - autrainer.transforms.Normalize: null

The ending 32k-T indicates that the model using transfer learning and has been pretrained with a sample rate of 32 kHz.


To discover all available default configurations for e.g. different models, the configuration management CLI, the configuration management CLI wrapper, and the models documentation can be used.

For the DCASE2016Task1 dataset, the following configuration is used:

 1id: DCASE2016Task1-32k
 2_target_: autrainer.datasets.DCASE2016Task1
 4fold: 1
 6path: data/DCASE2016
 7features_subdir: log_mel_32k
 8index_column: filename
 9target_column: scene_label
10file_type: npy
11file_handler: autrainer.datasets.utils.NumpyFileHandler
13criterion: autrainer.criterions.BalancedCrossEntropyLoss
15  - autrainer.metrics.Accuracy
16  - autrainer.metrics.UAR
17  - autrainer.metrics.F1
18tracking_metric: autrainer.metrics.Accuracy
21  type: grayscale

The ending 32k indicates that the dataset has a sample rate of 32 kHz and provides log-Mel spectrograms instead of raw audio.

To avoid race conditions when using Launcher Plugins that may run multiple training jobs in parallel, the following preprocessing command is used to fetch and download the model weights and the raw audio files of the dataset:

autrainer fetch

Alternatively, use the following preprocessing CLI wrapper function:


As the dataset uses log-Mel spectrograms instead of the raw audio files downloaded in the previous step, the following preprocessing command is used to preprocess and extract the features from the raw audio files:

autrainer preprocess

Alternatively, use the following preprocessing CLI wrapper function:


Now, run the following training command to train the model on the audio dataset:

autrainer train

Training Duration & Step-based Training#

By default, autrainer uses epoch-based training, where the iterations correspond to the number of epochs. To change the training duration of the spectrogram classification model, increase the number of iterations in the main configuration (conf/config.yaml) file.

However, to use step-based training instead of epoch-based training, set the training_type to step.

The following configuration trains the spectrogram classification model for a total of 1000 steps with step-based training, evaluating every 100 steps, saving the states every 200 steps, and without displaying a progress bar:

 2  - _autrainer_
 3  - _self_
 5results_dir: results
 6experiment_id: spectrogram_step
 8training_type: step
 9iterations: 1000
10eval_frequency: 100
11save_frequency: 200
12progress_bar: false
15  sweeper:
16    params:
17      +seed: 1
18      +batch_size: 32
19      +learning_rate: 0.001
20      dataset: DCASE2016Task1-32k
21      model: Cnn10-32k-T
22      optimizer: Adam

Now, run the following training command to train the model on the audio dataset for 1000 steps:

autrainer train

Filtering Configurations#

By default, autrainer filters out any configurations that have already been trained and exist in the same experiment using the hydra-filter-sweeper plugin with the following filters that are implicitly set in the _autrainer_.yaml defaults file:

1    filters:
2      - type: exists
3        path: metrics.csv

To filter out unwanted configurations and exclude them from training, the hydra-filter-sweeper plugin can be used as the Hydra sweeper plugin. hydra-filter-sweeper allows to specify a list of filters to exclude configurations based on their attributes.

The following configuration expands the grid search configuration and adds a filter that excludes any seed greater than 2 for the Three-Layer-FFNN model:

 2  - _autrainer_
 3  - _self_
 5results_dir: results
 6experiment_id: default
 7iterations: 5
10  sweeper:
11    params:
12      +seed: 1, 2, 3
13      +batch_size: 32
14      +learning_rate: 0.001
15      dataset: ToyTabular-C
16      model: ToyFFNN, Three-Layer-FFNN
17      optimizer: Adam
18    filters:
19      - type: exists
20        path: metrics.csv
21      - type: expr
22        expr: model.id == "Three-Layer-FFNN" and seed > 2


If the filters attribute is overridden in the main configuration (conf/config.yaml) file, then the default filters are not applied. To still filter out configurations that have already been trained, the following default filter should still be included:

1    filters:
2      - type: exists
3        path: metrics.csv

Now, run the following training command to train the ToyFFNN with 3 seeds and the Three-Layer-FFNN with 2 seeds:

autrainer train

Next Steps#

For more information on creating configurations, refer to the Hydra configurations as well as the Hydra documentation.

To create custom implementations alongside configurations, refer to the tutorials.